The Nitty-gritty

I have a sweet piece of waterfront real estate with road frontage on the main route to the artists colony of Woodstock, New York. Over the past two decades I've thoroughly blocked that off from the road with a three-quarter acre dry-laid stone sculpture that converts the waterfront and its waterfall into a The Great Knot, land-locking five acres. What's the value of that in my estate?
Another questionable property is cabinets full of lab notes and original samples from hundreds of products test-marketed in the course of developing applications of my printing system patents. This would be a turnkey opportunity except it is better known for sidetracking me for the entire 1990s into intellectual curiosity over the sequential color deposition changes created by the fluid dynamics this mechanism controlled.
It's a documented fact that all I have as an estate is a narrative that had its origins with that curiosity about systems and sequential generation I found applications for as art works back when the first uses of computer aided drafting were challenging me to make a way to tie this into conceptual art when I first settled into my first artists loft in lower Manhattan, at 21; with my 1960's aversion to galleries.
All properties I've created since then are tangible or intangible examples of ways I've pursued creative directions as an artist. These are now the props used in fleshing out ways that my estate can argue in favor of a quality of thought being its value – to counter the uninformed way that a life of creating possessions is evaluated like any other that purchased them.
This has been taken on as a last challenge for my art. It is one of writing, and establishing applications for what's in these writings, to create a way to insure the continued life of my work and ideas.
The result of this has been the deep dive into ways to link my life's work into one great artwork-gestalt coming up with blockchain as the one unifying concept that covers all the prospects that are foreseen. That discovery brought me to write which puts the blockchain in the context of a conceptual art, and that is what has brought me to set forth ideas such as what is displayed in these Steemit blogs that support building the experiment.
The posts here have since continued in the vein of an argument for converting creations into digital rarities. Even the Great Knot is argued to exist solely to suggest this purpose.
In this, a practical outcome of a philosophical concern is offered, by making creative thought immutable as an Internet-level presence through blockchain estate entries. This is what is to be the lasting benefit of following the processes that are taking place in these posts.

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