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Lets agree that 150 categories of a single class of object distributed as 55,000 unique instances, as possessions, is enough collectively to form a common identity.
From the perspective of both Internet platforms and the protocol for blockchain technology, users are currency and what this has described equals the good will aspect of Internet business. The numbers here would be an extremely large customer base in the pre-Internet mail order era of the 1980s. Today, this is still quite an asset as far as an intangible one goes, especially when considered as a metric for a plan that projects that out into the future.
What is in in the narrative about the Woodstock'94 tags, is the idea of an autonomous network built from a thread that identifies it as a distributed cluster experienced with a governance system that makes them identifiable as autonomous actors for resolving distributed ledger transactions.
This is a stated plan made when there is no training or selection process for such actors.
So, lets say this “service” concept is itemized in a Will, made right now. Is it valued from the angle of the 150 classes identified in Steemitimages that has attracted the cluster; from the experiments that made the objects a quarter century ago; or, from the control over the Facebook page as the hub of the activities of this autonomous group?
This is rare in the way it incorporates tangible assets previously distributed as a mechanism for building the idea that their owners are stakeholders and their assets certify their stakes in. The value of the totally developed intellectual property that an Internet platform makes valuable as a property with all the protections of copyright law to generational transfer is, however, the focal point.
The Internet economy is built on common understandings of how intangible images of actual properties function. Thus, copyright is embedded in the traditional concept of the image's use. This disrupts the value base the world has been using since the idea of notes of exchange first certified value centuries ago. When images, as intellectual property, are valued as undeveloped business opportunities in a gestalt relationship where they are dependent on the Internet's system of digital file generation, they never enter the space of traditional value metrics, leaving its economy holding on to centralized institutions that continue to apply this economy in traditional ways, aiding the way things work on the Internet that actually run parallel to it.

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