Immortal art of imagination


Childhood is the best time of our life filled with joy, love, mysterious adventure, forbidden foods and many more. I'm sure most of you will agree on this with me but at the same time, it's very unfortunate for many who didn't have a fortunate childhood. People often call us cute when we are kids and as we move along the cuteness starts fading away. When most of the people are worried about this fading youth and beauty I would bring up a famous quote "Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder". If we can understand the inherent meaning seeded deep in this phrase then may be we will be able to choose our acquaintance carefully right from the beginning. Because these are the people who's opinion matters most in our life for most of us.


When we are young, we imagine what's not and the creativity grows and gives shape to our personality. It strange what many of us wants something different when we are young, for instance, I wanted to become an astronaut and spend many hours staring at the sky but as I grew up, I became a communication designer. But believe me, I still find astronomy quite thrilling and look for documentaries on it. Maybe some part of my childhood imagination is still left inside me and that I guess happened to all of us.


I'm an artist as well and mostly works with pencils. These sketches (2nd & 3rd) are one of those attempts to cherish my lovely childhood filled with dreams and no fear of failure.

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