Sculpture Walk

Hello Wednesday walkers of Hive. Today I take a walk initiated by no other than @tattoodjay for #wenesdaywalk. So today I will take you for a walk of sculptures in downtown Sioux Falls, South Dakota.


A little background on this walk. So the town has many artworks on display each year. It is called "Sculpture Walk Sioux Falls." This year is the 20th Anniversary of this walk and there are a total of 67 sculptures. I seen most but not all and didn't take pictures of all I seen. Above is a map that was inside the brochure. I didn't get a hold of this map right away and it's hard to get started without out. I actually walked down the wrong street for a block or two.



What you see above are the sculptures that won the "Peoples Choice Award" from the past 19 years. This was pictured on the front of the brochure. I love how the people get to vote on them. To me, it means someone like me who doesn't know Jack about Art can vote for what appeals to me. My choice was the piece that I thought was coolest not a long list of other criteria. The city purchases the art of the winning artist each year and displays it permanently somewhere in the city. Actually all the sculptures are for sale but I would guess that many would not be able purchase. Maybe some businesses or someone of great wealth could. Let's have fun with it, I'll give you what I think comes to mind on some of them.



Alright some art you don't know for sure what it is. The first figure is called, "Translation # 3" and the artist is from right here in Sioux falls. I see an alien mother and her son. Maybe the male gender have bigger heads. This price of this one is $10,000.

The name of the second piece of art is "Hope." This work is out of Mitchell, South Dakota. I can see that this meaning hope. I see a horse shoe with maybe some tassels at the end. Hey you could go to to the horse track in hopes of winning. The price of this one is $8000.



Here we go something that is what it is. This sculpture is titled, "Preening Heron." The artist that carved this stone piece is out of Phoenix, Arizona. It could be yours for $12,500.

The next piece is titled, "Horizon. It does looks like a symbol that could have its the same meaning of its title. This artist is out of Mitchell, South Dakota. The sticker price is $8000.



This first one is titled, "Sentry." I guess I see it as some type Star Wars creature. Maybe it's related to Jaja Binks, haha. In another dimension I could see this watching guard over something.This sculpture made of limestone is out of Loveland, Colorado. The price of this one is $18,000.

The second photo above is titled, "African Queen." If not for the dark face I would have to look further to see what else I would have come up with. This sculpture is out Phoenix, AZ and the artist is asking $13,500.



The first photo is titled, "Here After." Perhaps the artist is trying to show life on earth and death in the spiritual world. Well that's my two cents. This sculpture hails from North Vancouver, British Columbia. You will have to drop $16,000 to have it.

The bottom photo is titled, "Angelica." This one is right up my alley 😁 It's really neat how it's made of both rock and steel.This sculpture is out of Strafford, Missouri.You catch this fish for keeps for $8500.



The sculpture on top is "Odessa (Ruin)." Does the name match what looks like a women? I don't know but she is only half maybe that's represents ruins. This pieces is another local piece here in Sioux Falls. Since it's not whole is it a discount at $5000?

The bottom photo is called, "Metamorphosis." I can see this piece as being two seperate pieces being combined as one. My initial thought was Blackman Spiderman. Another sculpture from Sioux Falls. Whether or not it turns into one piece the price is to $8950.



The first sculpture is named, "Partial Eclipse." At first glance I thought it looked like some futuristic fire hydrant that may serve a dual purpose. Anyways this one comes from Kechi, Kansas and the artist is shooting for $4350.

The second photo is obviously titled, "Ostrich." This one was designed in Aurelia, Iowa. I think this would be a good farm piece somewhere where they raise Ostriches. The price for this bird $1800 but don't expect it to lay any eggs :)



Top photo is titled, "In Praise of Resilience." I really see this piece being resilient it starts out thick at bottom than thins out and widens back out some. My photo of it looks like it's a sling shot missing the pull string, hehe. Its creation was done in Cranbrook, British Columbia. Are your finances resilient enough for $20,000?

Bottom photo is titled, "Poised for the Dance." I could not help but smile when I seen this. There's a few that share your dance experiences here on Hive. I thought of you for few moments as I looked at the sculpture. This piece was constructed in Cambridge, Nebraska.Those are some expensive bronze shoes as this one goes for $15,000.


Last but not least "Owling at the Moon." This is my favorite. If you look closely you will see that a lot of the art is from silverware. I really like how fitting the title is too. The wolf reminds me of myself sometimes. I do a lot by myself hence the term Lone Wolf. This sculpture is from New Knoxville, Ohio. The price tag on this one is $19,500.

This was really a fun walk. Not only is there a ton of art to view you can scope the area for restaurants and things of interest to shop for. If you want to check out all 67 sculptures Click here. Now if you live in the United States and really find something that you like you can vote by Clicking here.

Thanks for stopping by it's really appreciated. Take care, be safe, and enjoy the rest of your week.

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