Art & Photography #1 - chile dog

Photo by CitizenRod. All rights reserved.

If you have ever been to Chile you would have noticed the many street dogs. There used to be more, but you still see them around the cities. This photo was taken up in the Atacama desert, where of course, there were dogs.

It was amazing to see the pack mentality and social structure within these street dog communities. Each group had their place, whether it was a 3 sqm area in front of their favourite shop where I assume they received treats every now and then, or whether it was an intersection or an entire street.

It was very obvious when a passing dog was not a member of the clan, all the "members" would stand and evil-eye the intruder. As long as he didn't cross the imaginary no-go-zone, he was free to pass. But one false step and BAM! All hell broke loose. Crazy nature in its purest.

If you ever get a chance to see these street dogs, just sit and watch them for a while, it's very interesting.

No humans were harmed in the making of this post.

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CitizenRod is an entrepreneur, industrial designer, artist, and thinker. Follow him on Steemit, Twitter, Insta, his artwork at rodrigoantoniomunoz, and his startup at

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