About my assistant


The last couple of days I spent on making my blog more pretty. To begin with, I got an assistant, get acquainted, this is the Stylus. 

He helps me compose posts, closely checks the punctuation marks, but he can inadvertently play through, confusing all the letters that have already been wrote, and sometimes he even confusing those that just need to be wrote ... In general, it makes a lot of noise, but he is sweet .

Also, for to be more presentable, I dressed up too, here I am: a dress from Warcraft, a hat from ArcheAge, i made a hairdress in the best barber of Novigrad (by the way, the Heralt asked me to say hello to everyone who knows him), and a magic stick i found in Skyrim ... Well, I'm an elf, and a magician, teleport was opened - and it’s all

I want to tell you about my new banner, but the Stylus does not give me that, i should present his photos first:

Smileys can be bought in my shop in a convenient png-thread (and in vector)

Also, i created the signature for blog, Stylus helped  me, but he destroy all magic letters... We should collect the scattered letters together now  But i have his photo it in the jump, well at least the camera allows, here he is, shaggy pet:

And it’s banner, Stylus will remind me to insert it every time in the post. Let's see how he will do it


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