
Drawing has been something that I have loved to do for years now. Whenever I'm upset or something's wrong, I draw. When I don't have words to tell how I feel, I know that I can express my self with my art.


(There was a quote under the black scribble, that's why I blacked it out.)

Art was the one class in school that I actually liked. It wasn't even because I had a good teacher and because I never had to talk. I loved Art class because it took my mind off of what gave me panic attacks.


Over the years I realized that I was getting better and better at drawing. I know that by far I still have a lot to learn and a lot more growing to do, but I am really impressed with myself. I look back at some of my early drawings and some of the ones I did now and I see the improvement. To me it really is amazing.


This drawing was from about three or four years ago.


This drawing was from a week or two ago.

I can't wait for more years to come to see how my drawing improves. I can say that I think every one should draw or have some kind of hobby that takes their mind off of things. It is just something that you need in your life, at least I need it in mine.


Thank you for taking the time to read my post and view my art.

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