Sintren art comes from the story of Raden Sulandono as the son of Ki Bahurekso, the first Regent of Kendal, the result of his marriage with Dewi Rantamsari dubbed Dewi Lanjar. Raden Sulandono made love with Sulasih a daughter from the village of Kalisalak, but the relationship did not get the blessing of Ki Bahurekso. So Raden Sulandono ordered by his mother to meditate and given a piece of cloth as a means later to meet with Sulasih after the hermitage is completed. While Sulasih was ordered to be a dancer in every clean event of the village which was held as a condition to meet Raden Sulandono.

During a folk performance held to enliven the village, Sulasih danced as part of the show. That night when the full moon, Raden Sulandono was down from his hermitage by hiding while carrying cloth given by his mother. At the time Sulasih danced, he was in power rant Goddess Rantamsari so experiencing trance. Seeing that Raden Sulandono threw the cloth so Sulasih fainted. With the power possessed by Raden Sulandono, then Sulasih can be taken away and both embody his ideals to unite in love. Since then the term Sintren and Balangan emerged as a forerunner of this Sintren Dance. The term Sintren is a state when dancers experience possession or trance. And the term Balangan is when Raden Sulandono throws the cloth given by his mother.


Sintren also has its own uniqueness that is visible from the stage musical instruments made of pottery or gembyung and the fan of bamboo which when ditabuh a certain way to give a distinctive sound. Here are some of the musical instruments used in Sintren dance performances. In order to get your knowledge wider, find out more information about the various instruments that have not been mentioned.

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