About the Museum of Albrecht Durer in Nuremberg


I want to tell and answer one question, which is asked by guests who came to my house. This question is about what kind of portrait hangs on my wall. Indeed, not in every home hang this kind of thing - this is the portrait of Kaiser Maximilian.

The fact is that we were lucky to go to Nuremberg and visit the Albrecht Durer Museum. And today I will tell a little about this museum. Do not miss this opportunity, if you have free time in this city, and even more so an organized tour, be sure to go to this museum. This is an interesting exposition and it is made very unusual.

I know another example of such a museum. It is a museum of Bulgakov on Andreevsky Spusk in Kiev (Ukrain), which is also built as a sort of journey, as an exhibition on the biography of the writer, in which you travel in space and time. You fall into one, with the heroes of the "White Guard" and "Days of the Turbins", an apartment and pass from the hall to the hall of this apartment. There is an unusually interesting all decorated inside. There are very few genuine things, authentic ones, and they have done so as to somehow supplement the situation with that imaginary world that was created in the novel "The White Guard".

It is very similar to the Dürer Museum in Nuremberg. There are many more things preserved, because the museum is full, and the works and things that belonged to Durer himself. The unique carved chandelier has been preserved there, several instruments with which it was working have been preserved, the furnishings have been preserved, the rest has been reconstructed. Moreover, it was reconstructed rather late, in the 19th century and was made as the rooms of the times of Durer supposedly looked.


We know a lot about the biography of a famous artist. He was a hard worker, he had a big family, a big house. And he directly in the rooms of his house produced all his famous engravings, and drew, and the workshop was, and all the colors, the recipe of which was kept in a terrible secret, were made there.

This museum is built like the story of Durer's wife about how they live in this wonderful house, how they are arranged. And she, as it were, invites us as guests, and her story can be listened to in the audio guide in your language, walk around the room after the room and look at the life of their family.

The excursion begins from the hallway, from the servants' room, from the living room, where there were some meetings, then an interesting kitchen, which is more like the alchemist's laboratory, and fantastic at all. And it seems that unlike the rest of the interior, which is reconstructed approximately, the kitchen looked exactly like that.

It was an era of unrestrained experimentation. Nothing was invented yet, there were no genres that we all know, there were no ways of artistic creativity that we now know. Engravings, lithography - everything was born before the eyes of the participants of that time. And Durer was one of the first.


And on the very top floor of this museum, where the tour is almost over, you go into the room, which is the holy of holies of this house, there was a typographic machine. The same, ancient, according to the design, which was used personally by Durer. And then you will find a stunning adventure.

Durer did everything at home. And precious scrolls with engravings, with reproductions, they were afraid of dampness, afraid of rain and it was a great risk to send goods to another city. But everything was made under the personal control of the master, the impressions were made there.

And there, on this ancient machine, right before your very eyes, exactly according to the technology of that time, using the paints of that time, the master shows the paints first how they mix, then shows how the paint rolls onto the board. Naturally, she has several boards and someone did not get Kaiser, like me, but someone else Durerovsky. And all this can be photographed, shot on video if you wish. Several bolts tighten, the press is rolled and an engraving on paper is made, made according to the technology of that time.

I have it behind the glass and if I pull it out, it feels like a special paper like a napkin. The impression on it turns out to be very "delicious", one can see every line, but at the same time it is clear that it is ink, that they are absorbed, a little blurred and give some kind of a hand-written look to this portrait.

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Of course, we were fascinated by this attraction. You seemed to have been transferred for a few seconds to many hundreds of years ago, when all this was done manually, by hand, in the artist's house. And bringing the portrait home, we hung Kaiser Maximilian on the wall. Now he meets all the guests and very much surprises them.

Do not miss this spectacle, do not miss this museum.

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