⭐️ i-TALENT | ROUND 13 - Drawing "Kurt Cobain" Nirvana.

Hello friends of "Steemit"Greetings to the organizers of the contest ⭐️ i-TALENT | ROUND 13 a great pleasure to share again with you, today I present this artistic work made only with a blue pen, this time it is the singer, musician and composer "Kurt Cobain" member of the musical group "NIRVANA" that revolutionized the "Grunge" movement of the early 1990s, leaving a legacy in the "Rock" that is still current. In 2004, they were ranked 30th in Rolling Stone's list of the 100 Greatest Artists of All Time.

Kurt Cobain.

In this first step we make our sketch in graphite pencil (hb-2) so we are easily supplanting the blue pen. Nirvana was a band of "Grunge" American, is considered one of the most important and influential bands of the modern era, being considered a symbol of a generation.

With small very clear stripes we are texturing, in this way we are making contrasts and defining the image. In 1991 he released his second album "Nevermind" the first single from the album was "Smells Like Teen Spirit", climbing the musical charts all over the world, thus the explosion of what until then was known as "Punk and rock" began alternative".

Here we can appreciate the character, the visual approach to the most distinctive features, we proceed to give a new layer of texture to give more contrasts and minimal details. The leader of the rock band "NIRVANA" Kurt Cobain, found himself referred to in the media as the voice of a generation and Nirvana as the symbol band of Generation X.

With long and smooth strokes we are doing the hair, with light and dark tones. In 2014, Nirvana entered the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.

Work done.


Nirvana's short career ended with the death of "KurtCobain" in 1994 at age 27, but his popularity grew even more in later years..

Video in advanced reproduction of the realization process.

Link youtube

Friends is a pleasure to share this artistic work, my goal is to encourage art in our community "Steemit" and make you spend a moment of leisure, educational, cultural and artistic, I say goodbye with this thought, wishing them many successes with their presentations.

You can not buy happiness "Kurt Cobain".

@curie is currently found on the list as a number - 14 -

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If anybody else wants to add support to @i-talent contest in any way and improve its presence on Steemit, you can contact me on chat as ivan.atman and on discord as Ivan Atman#2066

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