Welcome to Beastly Tales. Each has a message, a moral. All are meant to have an element of humour. Naturally, any names included do not depict real folk but are included as part of the joke.

All rights reserved.
(As with Beastly Banter Beastly Tales is written and illustrated by Richard Hersel.)

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Richard Hersel



Banks tend to go through various phases.
If the economy is slow, they’ll send you to blazes.
Alternatively, if strong, they tend to throw money at one,
Credit Card limits are arbitrarily raised,
Letters in the mail leave one dazed.
“Your Credit Limit has been increased a lot,”
“By ten thousand dollars.” And like a silly clot,
You sign the acceptance and send it back,
Not knowing future problems such an offer does pack.
Inevitably financial seasons do turn around,
Jobs are lost, money is tight and hardship does abound.
For those who succumbed to banks dangerous offer,
Now may have only increased debt to proffer.
And if they have also lost their job,
The banks have caused them to become a miserable slob.

Now what to do? Where to go?
For help to solve such a dilemma so.
Fortunately, there is a solution to be found,
Through filing for bankruptcy, yes bankruptcy bound.
Of course there is still a price to be paid,
Still sacrifices that just have to be made.
But at least one gets out from the vile banks clutches.
And after a period of some years release, such as,
May be possible with a bankruptcy listing,
But at least without perpetual insisting,
By the banks that set you up this way,
To have, these inflated loans, you repay.
So if the economy ever does increase,
Before one does inevitably decease,
Don’t let yourself be at all tempted,
By awful banking behaviour. Be exempted.

Archibald had many, many credit cards,
When unfurled, his wallet folder stretched for yards.
There were Visa, Mastercard and American Express,
Oh! What a risk, what a fine mess.
And these were repeated with half a dozen banks,
With plenty of inflated credit yes thanks.
Just about anything Archibald wanted,
Was now in his reach, readily flaunted,
A trip overseas,
With the greatest of ease.
Let us dine out?
Yes, and it’s my shout!
A brand new car?
The old one hasn’t gone far.
And so it dangerously did go on.
It was so unrealistic, a banking con!
Archibald had a pretty good job,
He worked for a company called Thing-a-me-bob.

But as soon as the tide turned in the economy field,
Archibald, his job was forced to yield.
“Crumbs,” said he, “What a disaster,”
“Even if I still had a job I’d have to work faster.”
“Just the monthly repayments to make,”
“But now, with no job, such action would be fake.”
And so, somewhat reluctantly,
A financial planner, he went to see.

The financial planner, gasping, now said,
“What a no-brainer, man, you are dead!”
This didn’t, of course, help a lot,
Certainly not for this Archibald clot.
“The only thing that you can do,”
“Is file for bankruptcy without further ado.”
“You’ll have to relinquish what’s not screwed down,”
“You really have been a bit of a clown.”
“I hope you now have enough for my fees.”
“And, by the way, you won’t be able to go overseas.”
“For at least the next five years,”
“But as you’re broke, you have no such fears.”
Now Archibald did find life hard,
For all he now had was his Library Card.


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