Pinecone Orgonites

my new range

Finally!! A mold I'm happy with!

I'm huge on symbolism and the energy they hold which is why I have always loved the lotus orgonites because of what the lotus symbolizes; the ability to rise gracefully through murky, muddy water. And because it submerges at night to rise again the next day, it also symbolizes rebirth.

protection owls

The owls were another one that had symbolic meaning as owls are known for their wisdom and ability to see what's hidden and in the dark. Unfortunately the owl mold was smaller than I thought it would be.

The pinecones however...

crown chakra

Around the same width as the lotus but about 2cm taller, it's definitely my new favourite.

heart chakra

Pinecones have a very long and mysterious history that spans through the ages; across multiple civilisations and religions.

Most commonly known as symbols of human enlightenment, the third eye and the pineal gland; pinecones have also been used as a symbol for eternal life and fertility.

As you can see I'm still fine tuning my technique and layer ratios. I'm hoping I get a chance to make a couple more pieces tomorrow so I can conduct a few more experiments.

The pink one was tinted with Tim Holtz alcohol ink and the teal one coloured with mica powder.

Do you like the pinecone? Which colour do you like better? Which colour would you like to see next?

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