Three Little gods in NYC

Three gods MAD, N-RA, N-VAX on a counter

These are three augmented reality sculptures I made of gods from the future. MAD, N-RA and N-VAX. They are gods of fertility, war and death. It is suspected that they are gods that require human sacrifice.

They are on display for the month of October in Digital Art Month sponsored by CADAFCADAF at the Flatiron Building South Public Plaza. There is a map to other AR art on display also.

If you are in NYC please find them and send me a picture. I will send you some $BARD token. You have to find a qrCode on the plaza scan it and let it open a browser on your phone. The AR sculptures will appear when you point them at the symbols hieroglyphics of the gods.

N-RA on the deck

I can only assume this future culture has gone retrograde and lost its ability to create realistic looking figures. It seems they have gone back to stone age methods, yet they retain the imagery of nuclear missiles and AR-15 weapons.

Shoot he has a big gun!

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