Searching for Internet Dweller Part 2

Internet Dweller wol.five.ydpb

Continued from Part 1
And so I began searching the internet for images of the "Internet Dweller"

Searching the internet I found another Internet Dweller that looked similar in concept, mask like but made with different discarded televisions. And it had a longer name: "Internet Dweller wol.five.ydpb"

That meant there were at least five of them. But what was the name of the first Internet Dweller I saw? One write up of the show said that there were twelve dwellers. It shows an image of the tenth one at auction. I will show the tenth one later on in a future post. (How interesting that would be to have twelve all lined up together like Easter Island statues.)

The writeup I found was this one:

It says: "Paik envisioned his explorations of technology as part of an ‘electronic superhighway’ – a term he coined – that would liberate artists to explore new media. His Internet Dweller: mpbdcg.ten.sspv, produced in 1994, is the tenth of only twelve works in this series of which the third is in the collection of the prestigious Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum in Rotterdam. Conceived as imaginary beings that live on the internet, they display the artist’s unique sense of humour and confirm his visionary foresight in fusing art and technology to advance our understanding of the temporal image and its role in contemporary art."

“Let's not be modest about it. I think he created a revolution in art”, said Yoko Ono.

Part 3 - More Internet Dwellers

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