YES, Vibrate high with what you like, with what you want ...


Love yourself and accept yourself as you are ... because you are unique ... Steve Jobs said '' If you do not work for your dreams, someone will hire you to work for theirs '' ... Working for your dreams has nothing to do with suffering, when you are and do what you love is a free and immensely happy being ... First, acknowledge yourself and value yourself Listen to your body, your soul! Focus on yourself! ...

This was said by one of the coaches that recorded in the production of yesterday, and it is true if one does not do what he really likes because it is fried and frustrated, so what. Love what you do, empower everything you want and what you love to do but above all believe and believe responsibly because it seems lie but it is totally true, everything that happens to us is because we create it with our words, ideas, images, We are creators and we have to have security and confidence in what we want.

I love the audiovisual world, I love what I do and what I know ...

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