A Mess Pencil Colour Drawing - Flowers


Sometimes life is not like what we wanted it to be. We couldn't make everything exactly what we want. Sometimes we had a limit of the the things that we're supposed to make. Because we're not the God. Just like today.

I ran out of idea what to post in my blog today. Not even the idea about what to draw or sketch. It's like the blank space here in my head. But I haven't make any post yesterday. How my Steemit account is gonna grow up if I did nothing? I don't even have some extra money to invest. So all I can do is to create something.

But that's the problem. When I think it's easy to make an entry, no, it's not. The only things I can see is my pencil colours and the A4 paper.


So I drew this:


Yeah, it's not exactly what I wanted it to be. Or I'm so lazy to make it like I wanted it to be. I don't know. That's my limitation.

But atleast I've made something. So, just keep trying :)

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