Mini movie review : ''The Bitter Tears of Petra von Kant'' , Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1972

If I have to describe this film in a few words, I would choose: emotion, emotion and again deep emotion.
All these powerful emotions are contracted in some kind of an anguishing set: the room of Petra von Kant, with a bed as its vortex. Petra is also an anguishing character, an arrogant fashion designer, with a draconic attitude towards her servant associate, Marlene. It is almost certainly that you’ll have no sympathy for Petra’s bitter tears (but who knows? :D).
So, as you surely understood, the movie deepens Petra’s anxious feelings, feelings that are rotting her love, friend or family relationships.
Fassbinder’s movie swallows us in a world where you can breathe sadness, envy, disillusion and deceitfulness.

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