[ART] : I have come a long way but still have a long way to go...

Hello people!! Hope y'all are fine. I was just going through some folders and I found out some of the screenshots of my old work, Super old work. I am sure that I started this around 9-10 years ago. Since then, I was working on and off on this one. I had one more that I lost because of HDD crash.

It is so old that it made me feel that I really improved a lot, more than I think, but, still not enough though. Thats not a problem. I was so happy with this artwork of spider girl when I made it. I worked a lot on textures, unwrapping, skinning and so on.



Soon after, I realized that it is not good enough (Lips look so weird and have a "cosmetic surgery" feel) so I thought I should tweak the model and fix the errors. That tweaking and adjustments never ended and eventually I had to abandoned the artwork.


Now Many people would suggest that I should have completed the character but the reason I abandoned it, is the amount of fixing things.


Starting it all over again would be a great idea rather than fixing the errors. I turned it into an experimental learning project.


Skinning, where we connect the mesh vertices to the bones for animation.

Through this model I learned a lot about female anatomy. I remodeled the face and different parts of the body so many times. I hope to get some free time and better hardware to re sculpt this once again.


I designed another character that I would be using as a reference during my sculpting.

A recent character concept I did for the same character

This happens when you draw similar characters all the time

I used to draw typical male heroic characters and when I was modeling this character I could really see the side effect. I made this character a bit too muscular for a girl.


Not bad but not working either.

It was supposed to be a stylized character but too much tweaking and my obsession with anatomy pushed it more to the realistic character.


Notice? Arms are changed in this one. I changed them countless times and yet I was unable to achieve the correct forms of female arms.

It wasn't looking so real but all the stylized and exaggerated features were gone at this point.

Where I left?

I finally called it and after a good edit I stopped working on it. I was more satisfied and happy with this design.


It looked pretty good to me, atleast better than the main character. Never worked on it since then. What a project, taught me so many great things. I have come a long way but still have a long road to cover.

Thanks for stopping by fellow artist/steemian. I hope you like this post. If you have a learning experience that you think you should share. Please do in your comments below. :)) More soon. Good Day!!
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