ART as a relaxation tool

When times get difficult, the use of any artistic activity as an outlet is very important. I have been teaching art for over two decades already, and for me it is unbelievable to see how everyone can reach that much needed peace after an art session.

Yes, it is hard to make the decision to get out of the house and go to a specific place to learn ways to create your own art, however is not impossible. After you try the first time art class and get to feel the satisfaction of creating something out of your head, things will change. Later on, when you have the confidence to create your own artworks this outlet becomes a weekly routine.

Even if it is only for a relaxation purpose I recommend to give it a try. You don't need to be a natural born artist, and it is okay if you only draw stick figures. Just dive into new art projects, explore the unknown, and take as much pleasure in approaching a blank canvas as when you see the final product.

As it is scientifically proven the involvement in the arts is associated with gains in reading, cognitive ability, critical thinking, and verbal skill. Art can also improve motivation, concentration, confidence, and teamwork. I remember that maybe a year ago, in the middle of pandemic, I was approached by a company who requested online art sessions for their employees. The online team sessions were so refreshing for all that they became a monthly routine for the corporation.

Art enrichment programs are the basis for the educational process of each human being. Art helps creativity, self-esteem, concentration and it is a necessary therapeutic tool during these tough times. I believe that students with or without disabilities can expand their horizons through art expression.

My advice will be to give it try ! Art is subjective, and there is no good or bad. Fee strong about it, create, express and relax through art.


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