HENS IN LAVANDA. A nightmare by Claude Monet / КУРЫ В ЛАВАНДЕ. Кошмарный сон Клода Моне

Hi, my friends!
Some time ago, my friends and me started an art challenge on very humane conditions
Tasks (picture to copy, close to the original or in a completely different style) distributes @ veta-less. I’ve got a picture by Claude Monet of “The Haystack at Giverny” in the version of 1884
The artist wrote these haystacks more than once, for example, on an overcast day in 1884, in 1885, in the presence of a lady and children, (not quite) a single stack all in the same 1885.
All of them are painted by Claude Monet in oil on canvas, size 65x81 cm. I painted with watercolors and pencils on watercolor paper A4.
I liked the selected picture very much, especially the trees in violet tones. I immediately understood what would be drawn in my version, but realized it a few months later.

I opened the picture on the phone and looked. To begin with, I tried to make a similar sketch, and only then ...

then she opened a photo of a hen and hemmed up former stacks ...

I made trees with huge lavender flowers. Well, let the stunning proportions, I just have dwarf chickens, maybe even nano-chickens, and large-flowered lavender.

Then I began to paint in watercolor. This time everything went wrong somehow, but another opportunity for drawing could not appear for several more months, so I continued ...

So it turned out ...

Then I worked on the drawing for a while, and this is what happened:

Yes, not perfect, but I realized my idea!

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