Patton Oswald, Stephen Colbert, Much Less Dungeons and Dragons Than Promised - So... Have Some Art Instead

Uh... So... Ya... This Was Supposed to be a "Dungeons and Dragons" Article...

I was all ready to go, to see what Stephen Colbert and Patton Oswalt were going to be dorks about and then they dropped the ball. Don't worry, I picked it up again. I adapted, as we are supposed to do during times of unexpected change. But first, I still need to say a few things about this whole Dungeons and Dragons thing. Well, here, I'll just get into it. You'll see where this is going and then we'll end with some art and who knows what else. The important thing is... I am posting! :)

It has been a while since I have written on here. Mainly, I have been busy with work, a couple of game nights and life in general. I have been thinking of writing for a bit now but keep not posting.

Okay! No more excuses

In the News: Patton Oswalt Discusses D & D over Drinks

Well, that was the plan anyway. Maybe I am salty because the landscape of nerdery is changing. Once upon a time, there was a simlple code and uniform. I wasn't thinking about this carrying into adulthood. The days of being a teenager with no game, other than a tabletop variety, were pretty much going to be endless. But those days will never be forever, at least not for most of us. I am still more nerd than most. I play D&D... well in all actuality it is more Pathfinder and other games these days but the trope is still alive. I have to say that I am glad that it is.

I find that there are a lot of people out there that get to play and learn from tabletop gaming as a kid, but they were either bored or ostracized. It was made a part of their life and became important to them when they didn't have time for anything else. Once older, perhaps when they went to college or got their first real girlfriend, they put the games away and did other things. Somehow, for most of my adult life though, I have found time and people to play with. I have kept this circle of friends and we continue to meet, bonding over fantasy and a game that is not always that different than life.

So, with that, it is but one reason that when I see something about gaming online, in my social media feed or what have you, I take a moment. I am not longer the boy with nothing to do. I have a job, I have a girlfriend, I have other interests and I have limited time for distractions.

So, the other day, I wrote part of this. Ironically, it was another of those occasions where I meant to write but then it just sat here. There is so much going on in life, especially as of late that there never seems to be enough time. Tomorrow we lose yet another hour. How disappointing. That means it will be warming up I guess. So that is good.

But back to the topic at hand... which really wasn't a big deal. I had seen something on my news feed and it annoyed me. When I got on the computer today, I saw this was stil sitting up, open in MarkdownPad and thought about deleting it. Then I thought about the topic again and it annoyed me. Still. False advertising is always an annoyance.

So.... Back to Patton Oswald

I see this in my news feed and think that it is the perfect for what I have been mulling over in my head. I had planned on talking about the new game I am researching and exploring our current Western themed game, Aces and Eights that I play with a group on Wednesday night. Also, I am looking into StarFinder and thinking about running it sometime in the future.

So, you can imagine that when I see Patton Oswalt, who is one of my favorites, AND Dungeons & Dragons in my news feed that I was interested.

Disappointment Ensues

Much like when I read the article written by Patton Oswalt a few years ago in Wired Magazine and I read that he didn't consider himself a nerd anymore, I had an affinity for this author and commedian. He's a great guy. The kind of person you would want to grab a drink with or actually get to know.

You know the type?

After watching this, I wasn't so sure. It is odd because I get that he was devestated when his wife died. However, isn't he remarried? That has to be weird for the new missus? No? Well, it is weird for me. Not personally, he can do what he wants. But, it just seems that he promotes his wife that has passed alot. I don't think I have seen him in the last year where he wasn't talking about her. He has said that public grieving helped him process his feelings. That is good. Can we at least hear from Patton Oswalt about his interests for a minute too though?

Ah well. Guess not. At least not for now. I guess maybe I don't even want it anymore. He is happy with his new relationship, it seems. He seems like the type that could use some more happy.

Still Though... LIES!

Where is this "Dungeons and Dragons" that you speak of? Because it wasn't in this clip.

I am starting to think that one too many people have identified Patton Oswalt as a nerd and so, like Jason Biggs accepting the sweet Jewish love thanks to his schozz size, is simply cashing in on the nerdtastic expectation.


Needlss to say, there were things talked about and some of it did border on funny and fantasy. It wasn't what I was was expecting in any case. I sat patiently and watched the whole thing, so you don't have to if you don't want to.

He had a bone to pick with Ted Cruz.
He is trying to use pop culture to win over and to work the youth vote. Of course, this isn't new by any means. Like most of us, he is entertained when out of touch politicians try to relate to the younger crowd.

Then, more about his wife that passed away. . . and her book.

I think that this viewer sums up my thoughts precisely...

And don't get me wrong. It isn't that I don't care about his wife or him as a person. I wanted to watch this clip because I did have an interest. It's just. Why? I mean, is D&D that big of a pull? I guess it does beat the other topics. And I don't know. I saw that Patton Oswalt had a heart attack the other day. It was on the same day as Silent Bob. What the fuck. Entertainment of my youth is growing old and I am still feeling the same. I look the same. I fall for the same shit.

I guess you can't take it with you.

If only we could...

With that, here, I am going to end this on a positive. Just because I can....

Here is some gaming art. I have been just doodling during weekly game. There needs to be some good news in this post!


Working on some heads. Practicing faces and potential cyber punkian future.... So far, so good, no?

Some more of the same style. I am working on varying the details.

Here is an older one that I don't believe that I showed before either.

Do What You Love

While it wasn't the longest or most informative post... I hope that I can get in the habit again soon.
Until then, here are some references to keep you occupied. I found This Gaming Archive and it has been keeping me busy as of late. Here are some books below of the games that I have been researching and thinking about. If you have played them, feel free to please leave some feedback!


The Latest D&D Players Handbook PDF - 5ed

StarFinder Core

Aces & Eights Books and References GALORE

And Just Because

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