Portrait #15– Geraldine Fitzgerald

 Hello friends. Today I bring you the 15th picture of my project to know how much I can improve my skills in drawing portraits. 

 I drew Geraldine Fitzgerald, a famous actress of the 20th century. I have always been interested in the aesthetics of photographs of that time and that is what I wanted to capture in this drawing. Drawn using 2B and 3B pencils:  


  Step by step:  

  The process is the same one that I use in all the portraits I make. first drawing guide lines but not many, I just make sure to clearly identify the cheek bones, the forehead and where I will put the eyes, nose and mouth.  


  Then I draw eyes and nose, making sure it is as similar as possible to Geraldine: 


  Then the mouth:  


  Finally the outline of the face and hair:  


  If you liked this drawing, go through my profile where you will find more pencil portraits and some drawings with ink, most of them on DC comics characters   

  I almost forgot to say, I have some drawings ready for the next week and I'm sure you'll like it if you're a fan of Marylin Monroe or a big fan of Joaquin Phoenix as the Joker  

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