My most beautiful AI picture so far!

Wow... Just wow.... This is one of the most epic and beautiful AI pictures yet in my opinion.

I definitely think this one could be one that I could try to sell in Sedona, and it could also potentially be an NFT as well... However, I'm still on the fence about trying to do NFT stuff because I don't understand it well enough and there's so much competition that I have my doubts anyone will even see my work.

My goodness though... This one blows me away!
By the way, I created this one using Stable Diffusion which I'm still trying to figure out.

I've been using Disco Diffusion and if you're not familiar with all this stuff that can be a bit confusing!
Stable diffusion has been reported to give more realistic images, but it also seems to have more trouble accurately producing the prompts that people give and in general seems a bit less artistic than apps like Disco Diffusion or Midjourney.

It's free though to my understanding and much faster and produces some of the most incredible images out of all the apps and I'm still struggling to learn how to use it and encountering some errors, but hopefully in time I get it figured out and get to make some amazing animations!

Also, the sizes are smaller and I had to upscale this and it's still a little less detailed than I'd like and there's a little blue in the mountains where there shouldn't be, and I just noticed some black on the top left which was caused by my photoshop that did on the image, but hopefully I can figure all that out and fix all that in the future as well.

One other thing I'd like to mention is that I saw a YouTube video the other day where there's a new AI program that can take a still image and then create a 3D environment of that image that you can basically fly around in and zoom in and out of... I don't think it's released to the public yet, but that should be coming before too long and there's really a lot of amazing new programs coming out and I look forward to making some more neat art in the future! 😁❤️🌈🦋

PS... Interesting coincidence or synchronicity but a few hours before I made this there was a big beautiful rainbow in Sedona and a lightning storm that moved through, I really wished I could have gone and filmed it but was too busy working with my father... It brought back some really nice memories though of filming these kinds of beautiful scenes in the past! I sure have seen some amazingly beautiful things in my life... Anyways, hope you're all doing lovely! Bye until next time! 🦋🤠


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