Painting a Sci-Fi sexy gamer lady

Hey everyone!

It's nice to be back!

I've been having a lot of study through all this months and a lot of experiences! Such an opportunity to incorporate new knowledge and new skills to the workflow!

So be ready, because tutorials may be back! =)

I want to show you this time one of the last concepts I did. I just wanted to do some sexy lady from a very colorful future. And actually this escalated until the point that I built a whole world for it. So maybe if you like it (and you want) I can post more of the future concepts.

On the other hand I'm also developing some angels and demons world-building with the epic style of Blizzard's Heroes of the Storm! Stay tuned!

1-. So as always I started with a B&W sketch, working only on shapes and what i was considering the most sexy parts to show: the pelvis, the breast and the attitude!

2-. Then I just divided the content into few different colors to understand the chaos I did in first place. 3-. After that I turned it into black "lineart" and placed a gray-scale base just to set up the light.

4-. I wasn't even close to know how the palette would be when i started, so I started trying different combinations until I decided to follow this one. I had always present the big-medium-smal rule for this and kept the sizes and proportions.

5-. Then it all came out by cleaning.

6-. Cleaning, cleaning, rendering, cleaning, rendering, rendering. In that order.

And in the end you just check the result in grayscale to see if all the values are working. Since it was looking properly already I just added few more effects and improvised few stickers from a lot of companies I love of video-games.

And the voilá!

Hope you enjoyed it and of course if you have any doubt or just want to see more of my stuff, please let me know =)


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