Aqua Permaneus | Art and writing collab Feat. @mitthradiumn


Imagery created by @ankapolo


Written by @mitthradiumn


aqua permaneus


How many hours fettered away on whims of what life should be or what life I wish it to be or what life would best fit me or what is life to me or what is to be or what what what I tire of question marks, tire of ellipsis, tire of swallowing lies when I know them to be so simply because: ?

Who am I? What do I believe? Who am I truly meant to be?

Who gives a fuck?

See, no, that's not it at all - this isn't moral, principle, virtue or correct manner nor is this identity, rhetoric or philosophy; this is you've made Us angry.

An I's anger is suspect to reason, cooled tempers in cooler temperates, favors, compromise, and all that allows man to continue his trade of taking from one another without too much vulgarity on display.

But an Us, count that capital U heavily my friend as it may well cause you to witness another capital burn, be it your statehouse or bank account.

But no, no - that's not it either. It is very simple, why I ramble on like this spinning consonants like plates atop the vowels stick, it's all so simple you see that it's uniquely difficult to articulate.

I'm coming for your shit.

That's it.

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