Picture "Hello, daisies". My first video on YouTube.

The picture "Hello, daisies" is already complete. I put my soul into it, so the process of building was delayed, for a long time.

I'm working on my new idea. I continue to create landscapes in people. In this picture, a girl with a T-shirt has a landscape with daisies. And other daisies in the hair - just for balance and beauty. Chamomile on clothes, it's a print. When I made a sketch with a pencil, I already knew what my work would look like. I wrote my favorite girl landscape. It reflects its essence. This is brightness. Bliss of flowers (blue sky without edge and edge) Naturalness. This is the meaning of this work and even simplicity. Camomiles are ordinary flowers, no frills. Materials: watercolor, ink, rapidogram. Paper coated with eggs.

Hooray! I created my channel on YouTube. Now you can see the drawing process.

The drawing process!

The beginning of my idea.

In the beginning, I thought that I would change something. I was the first to draw. Landscapes in people. As a reflection of their essence. At that time, I did not know whether I would continue to the end. Here she has on a T-shirt a landscape with daisies

This is the second stage of my work on the idea. Here I was already directing the Rapitographer. This means that I have already identified with the landscape...

The third stage. And for several days of my work .. I continue to create landscapes in people. Here I have already applied paint.

I already know exactly what my work will look like.

The fourth stage. I continue to create landscapes in people. I have already applied both the rapitographer and the paint. Therefore, nothing can be changed. Now I know exactly what my work will look like. Unless I can leave it unfinished. But I want to continue. I will have to make a background.

You need a little refreshment to work well. I love homemade cupcakes with tea.

My work called "Hello, Camomile" is ready. How do you like my idea of painting landscapes in people?

 Thank you very much for watching!

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Sincerely, Alena!

If you did not follow me, but you like my art, I will be glad to welcome you!

Your voices are dear to me!  

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