Bandai Tie Fighter Build update 002


So here is a photo of the completed product so I can show you what all this work is for! Finished it about 20 minutes ago lol. But that's not what I have to show you today. 🙄


Above I have photos of the interior sections. These are base coated in Tamiya Black to help block the light that will come from the SMD. Oh yeah, I am lighting it (incase you missed my last post). 😁 Well I attempt to light it, this is a little experiment.
Above are the solar panels, I use the opportunity to paint these as well. Yes I know they are black already but painting them will hide some of the "plastic" look.
Above is part of then new brass stand the model will be mounted on. Attached with a little CA glue.
And above here is the interior coated in its top coat Tamiya IJN grey. The black below this will stop the lighting showing through the plastic.
Above you can see how a simple dry brushing with Tamiya light grey can make a difference. Just makes the raised detail stand out.
And I am sorry to say that will be it for today. Be sure to take a look tomorrow!😀

Massive thank you to everyone for your support. I really appreciate the votes, resteems and comments!

#starwars #bandai #tiefighter #build #andrewsartandmodels #andrewsmodels

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