Magical Tulips

My original idea was to sketch and use watercolors to paint pretty pink tulips. As the artwork was progressing I kept feeling it wasn't complete. I started using pencil crayons to fill in the flowers over top of the watercolor. That led me into wanting to create a bold contrast between the flowers and the background, so I picked up acrylic paint and filled it in, mixing colors together and creating a texture pattern. It seemed sort of magical to me, so I then picked up a bottle of gold paint and started adding fairy dust around. It is so interesting to me what came to be, with just going with the flow and my feelings. It reminds me of a tulip in the darkness of the night, surrounded by magic.


So many things I wanted to get done today, but the only thing I did was paint. I've been feeling a sense of desire to go back to my inner child, my true pleasures and that which brings me happiness. When I was young the only thing I ever wanted to do was sit around and draw. I feel like as we get older, those simple things we found enjoyment in get pushed to the side and we focus so much on "real life". There is a great sense of peace in just picking up a pencil and drawing, or a paintbrush and mixing colors together and just going with it and seeing what comes. This artwork is completely different than my original vision, but it is what I ended up with and I love it for what it is.


I had so much fun doing this today, but now it's time for me to go do "real life things" such as make dinner and laundry (uff.. the worst!) I wanted to thank everyone who looks at my post, up votes and comments and also for those who appreciate and encourage me to keep at it on this platform! It's been a blast diving into my passions and getting to share that with you!


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