Looking Within

If we just stop for a minute and look within we will realize that the entire universe is inside of us. Like nature we have the ability to change, grow, expand. Like the stars we can shine even in the darkness. Like the sky we are vast and ever deep. Be still and you will see all the growth happening all the time inside of you, all the beauty and wonder that is you.

I did this painting using watercolors. I loved blending in the violets, reds, orange and yellow to create a sunset ombre effect. This type of style is called double exposure art, as there is another image inside of a silhouette of a different image. I saw a ton of this style of artwork when looking up inspiration images and I found it really interesting to look at and do. I chose to do a buddha painting because I am currently reading a book called "Buddha" by Deepak Chopra (who is also one of my favorite authors.)

In the midst of movement and chaos, keep stillness inside of you. - Deepak Copra

Never stop expanding and always look within. Every answer you seek to find is already known inside of you. All the power to achieve anything you desire you already hold. When you are still and mindful then you can truly see this.


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