Dreamy Forest

Hey! It's been a bit since I have posted, but I am finally feeling my best! This past week I came down with a flu and was not able to even move from my couch. I blame it on the crazy Canadian weather! One day it's -13° C, the next it's 6° C with all the snow melting and then back to -13° C all in the same week! Anyways finally got my energy back and felt inspired to paint again. This piece was very simple to do and fun! It reminds me of the beauty of Canada up north (and not the craziness of the weather.) I may also be obsessed with painting the night sky, but probably because I love splattering white paint everywhere lol.

I began this painting by mixing together purple and blue watercolor paints, leaving some areas lighter and focusing on darkening others.

I waited for the watercolors to fully dry, then added white paint to an old toothbrush and flicked my finger to create white splatters everywhere.

I draw black lines with acrylic paint to figure out where my trees would go.

For the trees I just drew sidesways lines coming out of my original lines (simple right lol) and filled in the bottom area as well.

This artwork was so fun and relaxing to do and I am happy to finally feel my best and get back to being creative! I encourage you to try painting something similar to this as well!


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