Studio Philosophy

Hav'ya heard the one about the Lemon and the Tree?


My Sunburnt Tree... although, I wasn't sure if it was a sun or a moon until the very end

Since writing last, it seems that I've turned a corner on my journey of artistic adventure, one that's helped me develop a new philosophy towards my artwork, my creative process and myself, as an artist...

Often, I would find myself discouraged from attempting a project based on my own fear of the outcome. Before even starting, I'd already be thinking, 'What if it isn't good enough? What if I can't do it?'... blah blah blah

In a previous post, I mentioned starting an art journal which is intended to be used as a personal art journal; it's not meant to be shown to others, rather it's a place to practice new techniques and see how your ideas 'work on paper' lol

Another aspect of the art journal, is that whenever you are not happy with an outcome, you can just cover it with more paint and create a new layer. This was a completely new concept to me but one that has allowed so much freedom since I'm usually someone that worries about wasting expensive supplies.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've been working in an old sketchbook that I had no fear of ruining because, in my eyes, it was already ruined but I was able to see this technique in action by successfully covering over some of those already ruined pages... and some of my creative-fear dissipated

Yesterday was a major turning point.

My first idea came when outside with the dogs and I was looking at trees and branches, wondering if I could paint them but then good-ol' fear knocked on my brain with it's prompt reply... 'haha, as if..!'

Now, before that thought could take hold, my eyes glanced upon my art journal and I thought, 'meh, who cares if I mess up? I'll just paint over it'. And so, I painted one...

Throwing caution to the wind, I decided to try painting the lemon slice which is part of another project I've been avoiding but after finishing both projects and being satisfied with BOTH outcomes, it dawned on me...


When life gives ya lemons...!

I've been so worried about not being able to do something that it stopped me from trying to do it but now that it's done, I've realised I was worrying about something that I needn't have worried about in the first place.

So what do I take away from this valuable life lesson..? That it takes very little effort to make a change to your way of thinking or to view a situation from another('s) perspective but when you experience (or learn) the profound impact this can have on your own thoughts and actions, effectively shaping your own reality... it truly is a blessing.


Thanks for stopping by and reading my post, I really do appreciate your time.

And remember to keep smiling, it makes people wonder what you're thinking...!

Kindest Regards

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