A Finished Work

I had posted previously about this painting that I was working on for my sister. It, I thought, was mostly finished save for some shading. I often start projects like this and then I get to a point where it needs to sit and just be for a while. I am usually either frustrated or disgusted with the whole thing at that point. I usually place the unfinished piece in a prominent location where I have to look at throughout the day. As I look at it, day after day, it starts to change in my mind and sort of evolve into what it should be.

The original unfinished piece sat for a couple of weeks. I had a hard time putting my finger on the changes I wanted to make and all I could think was "I hate the clouds". Today, though, for whatever reason, it was time to finish it. It's honestly rather annoying, this whole process, because I hate having things hanging over my head that need to be finished. Somehow this is the way I have always worked and it never fails that if I try to rush it that I end up being incredibly unhappy with the result.

This was the original unfinished work.

I am learning life really does imitate art, in this instance. I find myself wanting to whitewash the whole thing when it doesn't turn out as expected sometimes. Patience really does pan out though.

Finished "Fairy Pools"

I took a few closeups so that the details could be seen.

A close up of the falls

It's amazing to imagine what this place must be like in real life...someday, I hope to travel to Scotland to see them with my own eyes!

I hope you enjoyed checking out my finished piece. It was a labor of love but I'm pretty happy with the final result. And I can breathe a sigh of relief since I have no more items to work on for people and I plan to focus on things that just make me happy to create. Sounds Glorious!!!

By the way, some of you might have noticed that many of my images on my previous posts disappeared. I was using Imgur for image hosting and for whatever reason half of the images I had stored there up and disappeared. I don't know if I was hacked. I don't know if I did something that caused them to go poof since I'm not exactly a tech guru. Whatever the case may be, I have started using Supload instead, at least until Busy.org is out and we can use the native image hosting feature there.

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