"Inga" [original art - graphite/oil]

Hey guys, so this one was originally the start of my "Learn art with me series" (old post here), but I decided that this wasn't where I wanted to start that series, primarily because I want to start simpler and I want to incorparte video and I had already done too much on this without video. Anyway, just wanted to clear that up just in case anyone was actually wait to see "part 2" of that post....well here it is, completed!


This is a style I had been wanting to do for a long time; for anyone who follows my art you'll know that I love high contrast type stuff, and so this one is no exception!

I really, really need to get a new camera; because it is so painful seeing the final piece in person - it looking really good - then taking a picture of it with my phone, putting it in the computer and all the sudden it looks terrible! The colors are all off, everything is off! So to make up for that I try my best to put it into photoshop and tweak the contrast, exposure, etc. In this case I went a step further and I "erased" the hands because even though the hands aren't there in my original, and it looks white on the paper, once I imported it it looked blue, so that wasn't going to work! So, if the hands look a bit off it is because I tried to use the eraser to actually make them white again!

Some process shots:






If you'd like to see more like this, please follow me @allstarrunner!

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