Zhou Zhou, a Young Conductor With Down Syndrom

Down syndrome is a chromosomal abnormality in the fetus that affects physical and mental retardation at birth. However, physical and mental retardation is not an obstacle for a person to get an achievement and succeed. Just like what happens with this teenager with Down syndrome from China.

Zhou Zhou is a Down syndrome teenager from China whose IQ is only 30. Although he never studied music he was able to become a great conductor at the National Symphony Orchestra of China.

Image : Zhou Zhou

As a child, Zhou loved to follow his father, a cellist in the Wuhan Symphony Orchestra. While all the orchestra players still take a break, Zhou will go straight to the stage and start imitating the style of a conductor while leading the orchestra.

One day a student who was filming a documentary took note of Zhou's actions while imitating the style of the conductor who had just played Overture Bizet song from Opera Carmen.

Now Zhou Zhou has become the most popular conductor in the world. He is also known as the conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra and Cincinnati Pops Orchestra and the only conductor who can't read musical notes and join the orchestra. 

Here's are the video about Zhou Zhou and while he leading the orchestra :

And there's about Zhou Zhou, a Young Conductor With Down Syndrom. Hope you like it and give more knowledge for you all. Follow @AllAboutArts for more interesting things about arts. See you in my next post guys...


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