Jimmy Page, the Versatile Guitarist, Songwriter and Producer

Not a matter of mastery of the technique and how quickly a guitarist plays 'clean'. Jimmy Page in his own way can create quality and distinctive music, more than any guitarist who plays very technically. His figure was also known as a songwriter as well as a respected producer in the rock music industry.

Image : Jimmy Page

'Dirty' Play Character

Page has a reputation as one of the world's best guitarists. He became one of the icons that make up and influence rock music in the world. Riffs and tones that he played will always be a reference to make the character of the rock and blues music. Page guitar technique in Led Zeppelin is different from the heavy blues-rock bands that existed in the 1960's.

Cream and Jeff Beck Group do have improvised skill, but Led Zeppelin with Jimmy Page can form a balance in the longer duration of the song. Exploration in "Whole Lotta Love" and "Dazed and Confused" which contains inspirational solo is definitely not a boring music even with a long duration.

Image : Led Zeppelin

Page is indeed a guitarist with the most unique and impressive performance in blues play in his era. In contrast to Eric Clapton playing with a dynamic solo, Page is known for his 'dirty' and very versatile performance. Although in the last few years Page looks more calm and looks like someone warmer, he can still play a solo that sounds so fierce and reminds us of his heyday with Led Zeppelin.

Blues, Hard Rock and Acoustic Blend A'la Page

Without Page, Led Zeppelin's history and the rock world may be different. Behind the numbers hits Led Zeppelin which became the inspiration of various circles in playing rock music, Page is a leader and songwriter. It would not be the same if we just listen to Page playing guitar without accompanying Led Zeppelin songs. Although previously playing with The Yardbirds and holding the position as lead guitarist, Page's role in Led Zeppelin is a very valuable contribution.

Image : Jimmy Page on Stage

The magnitude of this Page role brings Led Zeppelin into a group with over 300 million albums sales. Blues, hard rock and acoustic blend by Page did not even think of other songwriters of his time and made Page's thinking so special. Without ruling out other elements in Led Zeppelin music, it is no exaggeration to refer to Page as the caretaker of this band.

Brilliant British Producer 

Guitarist, songwriter and producer. The figure of Page as a producer is not something that should be underestimated. He is one of the innovators in the world of sound recording. Page has a reputation for using effects in new ways and tried different methods of using mic and amplifiers in the recording process. He who invented the idea of adding additional mic with a certain distance from the amplifier and recording from both.

With that technique Page became one of the British producers who recorded the ambient sound in the recording process. Another technique that makes Page known as a respected producer is the use of reverse echo that makes Led Zeppelin recordings sound distinctive.

And there's about Jimmy Page, the versatile guitarist, songwriter and producer. Hope you like it and give more knowledge for you all. Follow @AllAboutArts for more interesting things about arts. See you in my next post guys...

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