Artwork: Fall into the Ocean of Time

Will the ocean be toxic one day...?

Jellyfishs ruled the ancient seas. No doubt about that. Scientists found out, they are older than our dinosaurs.
But they have pros and conts.
For us humans maybe to much of them are not the best...
For the nature and our ecosystem they are most important players.

In past days people tried to stop their popularity by killing them and throwing them back into the open sea. But that was total shit, cause inside the jellyfishs are their eggs and by killing one you create thousands of new ones...
Plus the fact if natural or not natural climate change its like a paradise for them.
We have to hold the balance otherwise the King of the wild sea, the jellyfish, will not let us into the water anymore...
Just some freestyle and random thoughts.

I was thinking stuff like that by creating my Artwork. Deep thoughts by being creative isn't it?

So I decided to take a desert cause maybe the oceans are gone one day or not usable by us.

In the sand glass or clock you see how the modern world is breaking down into the ocean. What will be the result of it?

Have an amazing day.

Artwork created by me, myself and I

sand of time.jpg

Some interesting sources I recommend:,jellyfish%20populations%20can%20grow%20unchecked.

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