Learning Caricature Art #1

Caricature is the art of illustrating a subjects' features through exaggeration or extreme simplification. We can see presence of caricatures in our daily lives, as street art, in magazines, books and even as comic representations in newspapers.

I had never tried making caricatures before but recently me and @ayushijain were hired for a small project of making 2 caricatures for a couple. This actually made me want to learn caricature and yep, I really loved doing it! I found them to be quick and fun and rejuvenating :) I also made some caricatures for practice before jumping into the final one, which the client also happened to like.

This was my first attempt ever at making a caricature and hope you like it!

Final draft for the illustration


One of the few attempts before the final draft

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-25 at 10.49.42 PM.jpeg

Original Picture

WhatsApp Image 2017-08-24 at 10.19.34 PM.jpeg

Keep Creating

Lots of Love <3

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