My Journey With Art.. Becoming an Abstract Energy Artist!

Hey Everyone!

If you read my last post then you know I am an Artist, what I call an Abstract Energy Artist. In that last post I didn't go into depth on my art, since it was just my introduction post, but I do feel like my art and its journey deserves an introduction of its own!

I have been doing art for as long as I can remember and I always said I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. My dad taught me the colors of the rainbow and I could recite them in order, ROY G BIV, before I was even in any kind of schooling. I even have friends from kindergarten who say I taught them how to color inside the lines. It took over my curiosity, to say the least. By high school I was in classes well above my grade and even college level classes. It was one class, or lesson I should say, in particular that first introduced me to abstract art. It was a painting lesson and I had really only been drawing up until this point. I didn't understand it but it didn't have rules and I loved that! After that abstract painting quickly became my way of creating art.

Unfortunately, this class was in my last year of high school and as school came to an end so did my time painting. I knew early on that college was not for me and I sure as hell was NOT going to spend 3x the amount of money to go to a good art college. I'm not sure of exactly what I thought back then but I think it was something along the lines of "It's impossible to be an artist unless you want to starve". From 2011 (the year I graduated) to 2016 I painted a total of 2 paintings. I worked all of the time and if you really knew me you knew being an artist was my dream but that I felt it was unrealistic.

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January, 2016 is when I decided that not following my art dream felt like committing suicide and I was on a mission to make art my life! I struggled for a while with feeling like artists HAD to have a specific style, paintings that looked similar but were different, and I didn't know what mine was. I just knew I liked doing abstract. One night I had the pleasure of meeting, Rachel Reinert, a well known artist who sold her art and traveled the world, MY DREAM. She told me that a specific style was not necessary to be an artist and that eventually my own style would come to me but only if I kept painting and following my passion. Her words gave me hope at that beginning stage of my art journey and I have never looked back. I often replay back her words as well as my dads words to me when I was 5, "Don't ever stop doing art".

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A year and a half later, my style has further developed and I now call it Abstract Energy Art. I discovered that when I paint, every piece has come from a specific energy I am feeling from inside. I listen to music that reflects that energy within me and I journal about that feeling to really understand what it is. I allow that energy to guide me through each painting until I feel it is finished. I don't ever know exactly what a paintings finished look will be and I think that's the best part because every piece ends up being very different. My goal is not to create something that can be understood, but to create something that challenges the viewer to go within themselves to really feel and see the energy held within each piece. The most rewarding thing to me is to see how the energy translates to each viewer.

This is my most recent art:



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This is my art, my work, my passion, my life. I hope to inspire people through my art work as well as through my own experiences. NEVER STOP CHASING YOUR DREAMS!

All of my artwork is for sale, if still available. If you are interested or know someone who would be you can purchase them through etsy or message me directly through here or my other social media accounts. ALL LINKS BELOW.

As always, feel free to follow along with me while I share my future artwork and vagabond adventures. <3
Ashley @ahausvart


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