A story of HOME.


Today I'll tell you the story of a Photoshoped picture that I printed on a canvas and gave it to a couple that I hold dear. A year ago two friends of mine got married. They were together since 2009 and they finally got to "seal the deal". After the wedding they got a loan and bought a two room apartment in our hometown city. They also got new furniture, electronic devices ... the whole package needed for a warm nice place they can call home. After everything was in place, everything clean, the smell of new filling not only the apartment but the hallway of the block also, they looked and saw that something was missing. They couldn't figure it out but when I visited them the first thing I said was " Why are your walls so empty? No photos no paintings?". I stole some pictures of them and some from the internet and Photoshoped them into a big photo.


When they got the apartment I spoke to them and they told me how they managed to do it. It wasn't easy. Getting the loan, finding the apartment, cleaning it these are the big steps but the small steps were the hardest. Not being able to leave work in order to go to the bank, the banker telling you lies, finding another bank, trusting the bank, even sleeping was a lot harder as they said. So, I wanted to reflect this search for home in the edited photo. How better to represent the struggle if not by traversing a jungle. The deer behind them represents the people that have helped them, advised them for better and stood by their side when in need.
The apartment number, as the number on the key in the photo, is 13.
I printed the photo on a canvas and they hanged it on their living-room wall. I'll ask them for a photo so you can see it later.

Best regards,
Your fellow STEEMer,

Take the time to be the best you can be!

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