Week 1 draw - favorite comics characters : 🔥 FIRE AND LIFE INCARNATE 🔥

Hello friends of steemit greetings to @isaria. I present a realistic drawing of one of my favorite comics characters, Jean Grey aka:

🔥Dark Phoenix.🔥

jean grey.jpg



In the xmen comic Jean's telepathic powers manifested for the first time at the age of ten when her friend Annie Richardson was hit by a car. While Annie lay in bed, dying, Jean instinctively connected with Annie's mind; the trauma of her friend's death almost killed Jean as well.


Jean Grey is an Omega Level Mutant and is the physical embodiment of the Phoenix Force. The psionic potential of Jean Grey gives him the mutant powers of telekinesis; the power to affect objects from rocks to asteroids (evolved) and telepathy; the power to read, to project and manipulate thought. His telekinetic ability can be manifested in many, a little of which includes levitation itself or other people or projection of a telekinetic shield capable of withstanding missile bursts. By concentrating her mental energy on a specific goal, she can release devastating bursts of force. Your telepathy allows you to read the thoughts of others, project your thoughts into the minds of others to influence decisions, manipulate or change memories, place someone under your telepathic command, cast your mind on the astral plane or stun mental locks , is able to knock out or clinically kill someone.


One of the famous quotes of this character and therefore one of my favorites is:

"I am passion and fire incarnate now and always. I'm Phoenix"


🔥 🔥🔥


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