Art of Rumoh Aceh

RUMOH Aceh or Aceh traditional house, is now very rare. Even if there are still in certain areas, the building is no longer as original as Rumoh Aceh. Like the remaining Aceh House in Kampung Leubok Sukon, Ingin Jaya District, Aceh Besar. The average building has been modified into a two-story house. The lower part is functioned as a building.

In Pidie District, especially in Mutiara and Padang Tiji Sub-districts, there are still some Rumoh Aceh with original carving and motifs. Although rumbianya roof has been replaced with zinc, but other materials remain unchanged.

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Basically, the Rumoh Aceh building is all made of wood of choice, not a single material uses iron, including the fern. Instead of an iron nail to bind one material to another, a sharpened bajoe (peg) of wood is used. As for the binder, used rope or rattan fiber. That is why, Rumoh Aceh building can last for hundreds of years and is earthquake resistant.

One of Rumoh Aceh whose building is very original, now still exist in Kampung Busu, Sub-district of Mutiara Timur or about 10 Km from City of Sigli. To get there, which is approximately 5 kilometers from the city of Beureunun, we have to go through the village road. In Kampung Busu (village of Tgk Muhammad Daud Beureueh), there are still many well-preserved Rumoh Aceh. The building there is a large and also small size.

Rumoh Aceh in Kampung Busu which the author visited recently not so big, only consists of three spaces (lhee boh ruweueng). His condition looks rather different from the rumors of Aceh in the village. Because the architecture has a pretty good engraving with very high artistic value. Motif carving on Rumoh Aceh is a pure Aceh, the flower motif combined with wooden leaves and the construction is so neat.

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Typical Carvings of Aceh

Almost all the carvings that are contained in Rumoh Aceh in the village of Busu, decorated with typical carvings of Aceh, the engraved engraved engraved on the board and then affixed to the construction of the house. That is, the carving is not carved as in other rumoh-rumoh Aceh carving.

Interestingly again, the carvings contained in Rumoh Aceh this one, has a beautiful color combination. Namely green, red, yellow, white, and brown. It looks very unified into one, to radiate the beauty value of the extraordinary motif. Rumoh Aceh with 16 poles in the round shape-as Rumoh Aceh-has three seuramoe (porch), ie seuramoe keue (front porch) for the living room, seuramoe teungoh (middle porch) for the bed which is also often called juree, then seuramoe likot (back porch) becomes a family gathering place.

While the kitchen room Rumoh Aceh was made to the back. The kitchen can be reached through a vineyard made on the eastern side of the bridge, so as it rises from the stairs to the living room and kitchen. So, do not cross the hall and the living room.

While visiting Rumoh Aceh in Kampung Busu, the writer was received by a middle-aged woman holding a child under the house with a man named Efendi. "Rumoh Aceh, who is over 100 years old, originally belonged to Abu Chik (grandfather) of my wife. Then passed on to my wife's father and after the father died passed to my wife, "said Efendi. So, Rumoh Aceh has now been made a residence by three generations in Kampung Busu.

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Rumoh Aceh is still very original that almost all the structure of the building decorated with motifs very beautiful carvings. Starting from the front wall, side, kindang, vines, and reject the wind. All of them have very fine carvings.

When invited up into the house, the authors see the condition of the building is also still very good, clean, and regular. The location of furniture and curtains are colorful look very harmonious with the colors of motifs attached to the walls of the house.

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