The Short Story Of Jimmy Smith

2019-01-23 17_53_40-WorldWarPictures on Instagram_ “Private Jimmy Smith was part of the British army.png

Jimmy Smith was a British soldier who fought in the Battle of the Somme, which was fought by the armies of the British Empire and France against Germany in 1916 during WW1.

During a battle, he was buried alive due to an explosion caused by German artillery, and he had to be dug out. He was never the same again and suffered from shell shock, which today would be recognized as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD).

He was a sick man. But he was transferred back again to the battlefield where his mental deterioration started to manifest itself. He never showed any fear, but his mental state meant he would not take orders to go into suicidal operations anymore.

Exhibiting signs of disobedience, Jimmy’s officers named him a coward and a deserter before sentencing him to death. Jimmy’s own friend, Richard Blundell, was among the executioners ordered to kill Jimmy.

Jimmy was tied to a chair and blindfolded, and to indicate he was a target, a white disc was placed over his heart. Richard, knowing Jimmy was a brave soldier only suffering from shell shock and not a deserter, deliberately tried to miss the target to keep him alive. The officer in charge of the execution noticed that Richard missed on purpose and ordered him to deliver the last blow when the initial shooting didn’t finish the job.

With shaking hands while watching his friend writhe in agony from his injuries, Richard fired the last shot that ended Jimmy’s young life.

2019-01-24 11_46_37-WorldWarPictures on Instagram_ “Private Jimmy Smith was part of the British army.png

Richard lived until he was 95, and on his death bed in 1989 he was calling out Jimmy’s name. Jimmy was just 18 when he joined the Army and was only 25 when the military murdered him.

He was just a teenager forced to kill, and he was murdered by the terrorist institution that we all know today as the army.

It’s time to wake up. You need an army to have a war. You need brainwashed uniformed murderers to do the killing in these wars. You need an obedient conformist public to keep the wheel turning. It’s time to disrupt the wheel.

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