Arjun tree


Arjuna is a large leaf-shaped tree. The stem is long, simple, advanced, smooth and attractive. It usually grows to 3-4 feet tall. Bark slun- gray and thick. The bark of achievement can be picked up with bark. The leaves are 3-5 inches tall. The flowers are very small, slushy yellow and have a strong odor. Trees produce many strong fruits. The fruit looks a lot like a kamaranga but is relatively small in shape. Origin of residence in India, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

Part of use:-

Mainly rice, however, is used mainly in leaves and fruits.

How a part is used: -

  • When Arjun's bark plays on the bat, the heart muscle is strengthened and the cardiovascular capacity is up.
  • Arjuna increases the digestive capacity of food. Helps to keep the dietary capacity normal.
  • If there is a wound in the body, itching and scalp may be achieved by applying the bark of achievement.
  • Arjun's bark is also useful in treating asthma, asthma, menstrual problems, pain and so on.
  • Arjun bark is a blood cleanser.

The more you use the tree products you get, the better.


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