When you don't have a good camera or a good lens you have to somehow work out your ways to do some photos that you want. People says that need is mother of inventions, according to that I wanted to do some really close photos, kind of macro, with the analog camera... Well... seems kinda hard... actually it's not. Easiest way is to buy a macro lens, but what if you can't afford one? There is a secret "trick!"

Actually it's even easier than buying a new lens, because you can do it with any lens you have. How? Just unplug lens from your camera, turn it front side back and boom here is your macro lens! The problem is that you don't have focus... I don't mean autofocus, analog camera doesn't have it naturally so when you turn your lens you don't have even manual focus. Using focus ring does actually nothing. So how do you put your subject in focus? Your focus range is the distance between you and the subject, you just have to move front or back a little and boom, you have nailed your focus!

Without using autofocus, without using manual focus!

Actually it is always fun to discover your ways to achieve any effect :D

This photo is the little mock-up of the old city of Bydgoszcz so I thought it would be cool to get it on the photo, actually I shot it at night so it's a little blurry :D

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