~ Foggy castle ~

Many times you don't know when an interesting scene may come up. Mobile phones helps us a lot to catch them although not always you have the time and calm to prepare and shoot.
This one was shot one morning on our travel to see a client. We normally spend the time talking about strategies and so on. Sometimes I haven't enough time even to take the phone.
It was bit tricky to stabilize and get the scene clean of cars while moving.

What you see is the Medellín castle(Spain) an amazing place on top of the hill from where you can see all the area known as "Vegas Altas del Guadiana". You can also see how the "Guadiana river" flows on it's twisting track. The place has also it's recent unveiled secrets. On the hillside down the castle an archeologists group found the ruins of an ancient Roman theatre that has been buried during centuries.

It's worth to go and visit the village and climbing to the castle. You have to be used to walk though!

More info here

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Moto G4 Plus
5 mm

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