Hold Up, Its not Luck, Its Math's


Some people thinking this is luck, and could have failed 10,000 times, so there by, the one, is luck, that cant be so.

What is impressive about this, is the maths, she is not standing there, looking for the drop, her eye, is no doubt, on the tip of the dropper, and waiting, to see the droplet forming out.

  • She would focus on what the dropper end looks like, when the droplet is emerging.
  • She would understand the speed of her arrow, and the distance it can travel at said speed.
  • She would then understand the speed of the droplet.

So yes, im sure she would have failed it perhaps a certain number of times along the way, but i hardly think that makes it luck.

What she should have done, is actually post, her figuring out the maths of it all, because thats how you figure these things out, then THAT would actually make it amazing, because not only a brilliant archer, but also a talented mathematician.

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