Archery as a Metaphor for our life goals

Shooting a bow is a lot like life. Two major forces are at work, always pulling against each-other trying to overpower one another until equilibrium is reached. The tension of the bows back and the compression of the belly fight one another, each one alternately submitting to the stronger one until the outside force stops. The potential energy that is stored in the bow fights to get back to its original state, held in place only by the strength of the person holding it back. The archer relaxes, looses the string and the limbs are violently thrust forward, pulling the string and the arrow along with it. From another angle the bow itself is not pulling the arrow, but the string is pushing it along, fighting against the arrows inertia and bending the arrow. The arrow survives this violence, and is thrust into the air, temporarily deformed by the forces exerted upon it. It leaves the bow, and heads towards its target, no longer at the mercy of the bow or the archer, it enters another realm altogether. If all the proper steps are taken up to this point, the arrow will find its mark.

The bow is a great symbol for the forces in our life that always pull us in two directions. The bow is the duality of man, the tension and compression that fight to overpower one another. If these two forces act in tandem then they complement each-other, and the tiller of the bow, and the action upon the arrow is pleasant. If one of these forces overpowers the other, the situation becomes chaotic and dangerous. Cracks could form, and ultimately the bow could shatter in a great explosion of splinters. Those around the bow, and the user are in danger of being hurt. The arrow fails and falls to the ground, it’s mission unfulfilled.

The arrow symbolizes the direction and the action the dual forces drive us. We are pushed in a direction by the outside forces. We strive to hit our mark, as close to the perfect “center” of our goal. When all the outside forces are balanced, and the archer aims in the proper direction, goals are met. Milestones are achieved and the mission of the arrow is fulfilled. This is how we should strive to life our life, we should work to balance the forces acting upon us. When we aim toward our goals, our arrow should fly straight. We should strive to hit the bullseye with whatever task we undertake, and balancing everything around us is the goal to hitting the mark consistently.

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