New archaeological discovery confirms biblical history

                                                      A group of Israeli archaeologists have just revealed the discovery of a sanctuary and its age-old portal, thus confirming the historical accuracy of King Hezekiah's biblical tale.

In the Bible, it is narrated how Hezekiah, who reigned in that region in the 8th century BC, "removed the heathen altars, crushed the sacred stones and broke the images of the goddess Asherah," in an attempt to abolish the worship of the forbidden deities.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         The researchers unearthed in the town of Tel Lachish the entire portal, the first part of which had been discovered several decades ago by a UK-funded expedition and Tel Aviv University.                                                                                                                                                                                       According to Sa'ar Ganor, director of Antiquities Authority of Israel, "the size of the portal coincides with the historical and archaeological knowledge that we possess." The door is the entrance to an area of 24.5 square meters, where were found six chambers facing the main street of the old city.

Strategic Affairs Minister Ze'ev Elkin said such findings confirm "how the biblical tales we know turn into historical and archaeological facts."                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Sources: Live Science, RT

Image highlighted: (digital reconstruction of the portal of the ancient city) - architects Ram Shoaf and Hila Berger-Onn / Israel Antiquities Authority Conservation Department

Images in the body of the text (top to bottom): Guy Fitoussi - Israel Antiquities Authority / Clara Amit - Israel Antiquities Authority / Yoli Shwartz - Israel Antiquities Authority /

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