Laughter - The Best Medicine

Today I was Stimulated.
Externally which caused an internal physical reaction
By not One,but Three Alluring, Clever,Quirky Tamil Speaking Stimulus.

Laughter is a physical reaction in humans and some other species of primate, consisting typically of rhythmical, often audible contractions of the diaphragm and other parts of the respiratory system. It is a response to certain external or internal stimulus.

Standup Comedians are people who spend their lives making people laugh, the art of humor is not just a show or a whim. It is a talent, a gift – a rare one at that. It can also be a deeply healing experience for comic and audience alike.

Prakash Danial.
Aravind SA.
(In order of appearance)

I had the pleasure to experience a live comedy act tonight.
It was extremely well organized at Jaya One by a team headed by a towering gentleman who resonates with The Phoenix.

It was the first time I am hearing of him.
I clearly had no idea of what's happening with the comedygig locally.
Possibly because I related to the Tamil Brahmins Better.
I grew up being called Saniyen and Elavu so yea, do your Math and Divide It Into Two.

Accolades must be given to him for putting up such an awesome opening act.
He came in, with his beard and deep Amazonian voice , broke the ice effortlessly and made all of us feel at home and comfortable to go crazy hysterical.

The Indian Jesus really pushed and Crossed one of his personal best moments,I believe.

Next came my most favourite part of the show.
Baggy, I think ur really cute by the way.
I may sound heavily biased,but this only got gotta be politically correct!
Yes ,we are both somehow Gravitationally Challenged, Circularly Endowed ,Horizontally Abled.
Hence , the weights of relatability on his material was kinda Infinity. It was just going on and on and on.

Some what like the Newton's 3rd Law.
Every Action Of Baggy Had An Equal An Opposite Reaction of The Crowd ROFL-ing.

He even managed to discipline us to be mindful of time and respectful of the performer by not using the phone during their gig.
Sarcasticly Honest. Extremely Animated and Did I even mention his Apple Coloured Kannam?
I see this wonderful human being touching million more lives through his rib tickling acts and I sincerely only wish him the best and more in doing so.

Aravind SA, has come a long way.
After Karthik, he was whom I would watch having my lunches for long long time.
It's thru his video I stumbled upon Alex and Baggy.

I must say, I fell in Love.
With the Craft and How Each and Every One of them took time to Master it .

Aravind came out of his comfort zone , doing exactly the opposite of what he should be doing but hey guess what? It worked out pretty damn well.
It wasn't mere luck or accident. Sheer hardwork and persistence.
To date,He has travelled the world, sharing his story, doing what he enjoys and I guess , this is perhaps the often most sought after Bliss? Inspiring.Encoraging and Gives the all of us Hope.

Thank You For The Selfies Boys.

Thank You for The Vibe and The Night.

Hope u guys enjoy the rest of the Tour and Do come back often to Malaysia for we sincerely Do Love You.

Till We Meet Again In BloodChutney,Hopefully,

Chapathi Chapathi Chapathi Chapathi Chapathi Chapathi...

#iwasnotreadyda #madrasida #thelaughsingdancestory



Thank You God.

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