modern marriage √✓


The thinking of men and their views of women is different when the intended purpose is marriage, where thinking and choice is mind and logic rather than heart. Most men prefer to acquire mental standards, for which they go to marry non-love, which is confirmed by an American study that the majority of men may marry Women do not love them, but they are not attracted to them intimately.

Marriage is a transition in the life of both men and women, where many changes occur after the decision to marry, responsibilities change and interests vary and pressures increase, making the whole lifestyle changes, affecting the goal that men want from marriage, .
Many women and men live in love stories and grams that usually end in association if they are founded on sound foundations, but studies and research have shown that there are other goals that some men seek in marriage other than love and admiration for a certain girl or her strength or personality.
A study conducted by Princeton University in the United States found that marriage between a man and a woman can occur without falling in love by 60 percent, but the remarkable thing is that 25 percent of men in the world want and want to marry even without falling in love, But more than that, that these men can accept the marriage of women who are not attracted to them intimately, and may not feel comfortable and familiar with them.
The online study of about 6,000 different nationalities revealed that men are more in need of emotional stability than women, because they mature emotionally faster, making them not need those who give them stability, but that is different with men, who as a child He feels stable by his presence near his mother, and this continues with him until he reaches adulthood. When he is separated from her, he needs a wife who feels this stability.

Men can accept the marriage of women who are not attracted to them intimately, and may not feel comfortable and familiar with them

One of the reasons why some women and men marry without falling in love is to search for marriage only, for companionship and co-existence, condoning the specifications of love and romance that come in the last place, they consider the existence of love and intimacy and understanding between men and women difficult to achieve , Or may be able to achieve with the passage of time.
The negatives are represented in the lack of marriage to the spirit of love, affection and acceptance between the two partners, without which the marriage life becomes a mechanical thing lacks feelings and sensations, pointing out that acceptance and familiarity between the two sides away from the relationship always thinking about the shortcomings and qualities absent, In this type of marriage depends on the degree of understanding between the partners, and the mental compatibility that generates acceptance and affection between the parties, and compensates for the loss of love, or may increase the gap by differences and dissonance family fail and disintegrate.

For me,

Marriage without love can destroy the relationship early, love creates understanding and harmony between the couple and makes the bond between them strong and solid in the face of storms that can face family life.

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